Murgi Farm business starting guide – Learn entire business setup and farm details.

Milk and egg are consumed by all people. Poultry farms and dairy farms are set up at several places. The main objective of setting up these poultry and dairy farms is animal husbandry and trade. Thus, this business is a very good and pleasant job for which the government also lends at a very low rate of interest. It will be given about the establishment of poultry farms.
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Murgi Farm Business Opportunity
Murgi farm business is a business that can become an additional source of income. Starting at a very low cost, this business can give millions of profits. It requires more experience and effort than educational qualification and capital. Unemployment is the biggest problem in today’s time. In such a way, youth can make poultry as a medium of employment.
More About Poultry business
Poultry business comes under the Department of Animal Husbandry with the objective of promoting meat and eggs in food grains. About 90 lakh people of India are associated with poultry business and contribute 70 thousand crore to GDP every year.
Poultry business is a major part of the rapidly evolving agriculture sector in India with an annual average growth rate of 8 to 10 per cent. As a result, India has now become the world’s third largest egg producer (after China and the United States) and the 5th largest producer of kebab chicken meat (after USA, China, Brazil and Mexico). The poultry sector has a gross national product of about Rs 33,000 crore.It contributes about Rs 60,000 crore in the next five years. With a turnover of over Rs. 352 billion, the sector provides employment to more than 30 lakh people in the country and has huge potential for creation of employment opportunities.
High Demand Less Supply
Despite the impressive growth in poultry business sector in the last four decades, there is a huge gap between availability and demand for poultry products. At present, there is a availability of 46 eggs against the demand of 180 eggs per capita annually. Similarly, 11 kg per person annually. Only 1.8 kg available against the demand for meat per person. Thus, the production of eggs needs to be quad-folded and the production of meat is six times to meet the domestic demand.
If we look at India’s share in the domestic demand as well as the export market, there is a wide gap in the production of poultry products in the country. There has been a tremendous increase in the demand for poultry products.It increases due to change in population, change in eating habits, rapid urbanization, increasing awareness of health in per capita income, increasing size of young population etc. Poultry products are the cheapest product of animal proteins of high biological value in the current market scenario.
Murgi Farming business benefits
Poultry and dairy farming in the country are very popular but still is not happening in a very systematic way. So, the government is offering a variety of facilities and 0% interest rate to promote it.
If you are a farmer, then there is no need to worry about feeding birds, because a portion of the grains produced can be used to feed the birds.
Unemployed people get different kinds of work from poultry farms.
In India, almost all kinds of dairy and poultry farms consume a large amount of goods, so there is a huge profit.
The business supported by different Government schemes.You can take advantage all of these schemes.
Egg Production
India is the world’s largest egg producing country after China and the United States and the fifth largest chicken producing country in the world after the United States, China, Brazil and Mexico. Poultry business has also reduced unemployment in India to a great extent. In the absence of proper economic conditions, poultry business can be started by taking loans from the bank and in many schemes. The government also provides subsidy on loans taken from the bank. By and large, this business can be reached from bottom to top with diligence and perseverance.
Business Plan for Poultry Farming
Whether it is Poultry Farming or any other business, you need first business plan or Yojana. If you don’t have any idea you can read our post How to Make a Business Plan. It requires a very in-depth analysis of the money in your business, the land to start the business, and the tools used in the business. You have to set goals for your business before you start your poultry farm business. A comparative analysis of your expenses and profit. The market for your product has to be closely evaluated. In addition, you need to fix your Murgi Farm’s Minimum Productivity i.e. minimum production capacity.
Correct Place for Starting Poultry Farming Business:
The space used in this business has a very important role. A description of the places required for setting up poultry and dairy farms is given below.
Poultry farms or dairy farms require clean and long spaces. This is actually the most expensive part of the business, but there is no need to be afraid. You can use the land around your home to do this small-scale business. The length of the land depends on the number of chickens that are grown.
Choose a place that are a little far from the city so that birds do not suffer from vehicle extreme horn etc.Make sure that there will be no water scarcity in any way. If you want to put the farm around the house, you won’t face with these problems.Before choosing a place, take a look transportation facility.
Poultry Farming Subsidy
The government partly provides loans for poultry farms. If there is a budget of Rs. 1 lakh, the government provides subsidy on it, 25% percent to the general category, i.e., Rs. 25,000/. In the SC category, 35% percent is subsidized by Rs. 35,000. These subsidies are provided by NABARD and MSME govt of India.
How to apply for Bank loan for poultry farming ?
The government implements a variety of schemes to promote this business. But still people are not able to access the schemes and are deprived from these benefits. Subsidies mean that the amount which is granted by the public body gets from the middle of the loan. This way you don’t need to put a penny from your home. People have misconceptions regarding loans and high interest rate. etc.The Government of India has directed various banks in the country to give loans for farming. So they are committed to lending farming. The government also raises the risk of farming loans.
Poultry farm loan interest rates
The loan taken for this business is charged at a rate of 0%, i.e., you don’t need to return any kind of interest to the bank other than the principal.
How to Start Murgi Farm Business ?
Because this business gets the full support from the government, you have to start this business in a very systematic way. Here’s some essential facts that you should follow :
Land Selection for Poultry Farming
The most important job for successful Poultry Farming Business is to select the ground. When selecting the ground you need to analyze both Murgi Farms and the customer demand in Local Market. If you want to sell more chickens away from your city, you also have to keep in mind the transport system. It is very important to have proper drinking water for poultry trade. You should also cleanup up farm on regular basis.Take care of all these things while selecting the land for your Murgi Farm Business.
Bird selection for Poultry Farming
The next step comes to select chickens. In India there are different Poultry Chicken Breeds available.The selection of chickens means what products you want from your poultry farm, eggs or meats. If you want to produce eggs then you have to make Layer Murgi a part of your Poultry Farming Business and broiler Murgiyo if you want to produce meat. Broiler and Layer Murgiyo has its own advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to know about them before selecting. Well, if you want, you can make both Broiler and layer a part of your Murgi Farm Business.
If you need bank loan for starting business,you have to tell you business Project Formulation.It contains what types of chickens you are going to make and when they will be ready to sell.
Find a Market for Poultry Farming
Since you’ve also selected chickens for your Poultry Farming business, now the next step is to analyse market Size. In these 35-45 days, your duty is to find a market to sell your chickens or eggs. Intially you can target your local market. Because if your product is sold in the local market, you can save the transportation cos and you can easily reach your product safely to the customer. The easiest to find potential customers is to know consumption of meat or eggs in the markets around you. When you get proper information now find the places where people buy most meats or eggs.You can visit local meat shops and hotels. When you have large Murgi Farm’s production capacity ,you can start promoting business in other cities.
Business Registration
In rural area people don’t need to go for any business registration process.However, if you want a NOC ,you can obtain it from local panchayet.The business licence is only required when you have large business setup with brand name or company name.Below you can find the details of registrations and documents.
Register your poultry farm through a company or MSME through MSME. With the help of MSMEs, the registration of industry base is easily done. Consider the following things to register the industry base.
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- Online registration is very easy and you can do it in a minute. Please visit the official UDYAM REGISTRATION PORTAL website for online register.
- After visiting this website, you need to enter the Aadhaar number and name of the entrepreneur there. Then click on the validate option.
- As soon as you click on it, your application will get validated and it will process soon.
- Enter name of the company name, business address, state, district, PIN number, mobile number, business emal, date of commencement of business, pre-registration detail, bank detail, NIC code, number of people working in the company, amount of investment, etc.
- Then click the Submit button.
- Now, the certificate is generated from the MSMEs.Check your email for certificate confirmation. You can print it with this email and put it in your office.
This way your company is registered and now you can also apply for loan or use it in other formal activities.
Account: Hand-track the expenses incurred in building poultry or dairy farms on a plain paper, such as roof building, stand building, net, etc. Then reach your nearest bank with your address certificate, your identity card, etc.
Service Bank Loan: Service Bank loan is the process after receipt of loan. Under this process, the borrower has to sign a variety of forms.
Subsidy release: The best part is that the bank from which you are taking loans is subsidized through NABARD. Subsidies do not require any other place to go. These subsidies are automatically accessed in your bank account.
This is how your Murgi Farm is established.
Follow Local Rules
As we said earlier you have to abide by local laws while doing this Murgi Farming Business. People living nearby should have no objection to your poultry farming business.
Maintain Account and Business Activities
You can maintain two types of bookkeeping for your Poultry Farming Business.
Cash Receipt
Through cash receipt you can keep the details of customers who pay cash. it is correct,If you have three copies of each page of this Cash Receipt, . Give a copy to customer, a copy for daily cash management, and a copy engaged for cash Receipt book.This way you can manage your business and transaction details.
Challan book for Monthly base payment
You must have a Challan Book when your customer makes a payment to you together in a month.This Challan Book will also have three copies,one copy to the customer, one copy for receiving the customer and one to be engaged in a copy book.
You can maintain an Ordinary register for the rest of the operational Record. The details of feed purchased for chickens. The time and quantity of grain for chickens, quantity and time of drinking water, date of vaccination etc.
Qualification required to run Murgi Farm
Educational Qualification for Poultry Business:
Educational qualification is not mandatory for coming into this business. However,its good if you have knowledge of animal science and biology. Those who are graduates in veterinary science can choose poultry farming as a profession.
Personal skills required for poultry business:
It is mandatory to have some skills in the business of poultry farms. Some of the major ones are:
- One should have knowledge of poultry, including the care of chickens.
- Knowledge of taking care of the health of chickens.
- Information about how to protect chickens from disease.
- The poultry businessman must be diligent.
- Have knowledge of maintenance of the locality around the poultry farm.
- It is necessary for the businessman of this region to be healthy. He should not have asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Important tips to run Murgi Farm Business successfully
Animal husbandry scientists believe that if poultry is well planned, then you can earn maximum income with less expenditure. According to them,just for negligence, sometimes people associated with this business suffer a huge loss.
- According to animal husbandry scientists, chickens die only when they are negligent in their maintenance. In poultry, we should look at some technical things. For instance, while creating a broiler farm, note that it is away from the main road outside the village or city,
- There is adequate water and electricity system.
- Always make the farm in a high altitude place so that there is no water logging nearby.
- Two poultry farms are not close to each other.
- The length of the farm should be from east to west.
- The height in the middle is 12 feet and 8 feet in the side.
- The width is a maximum of 25 feet and the shed gap should be at least 20 feet.
- The floor should be firm. Further, the rule of biological safety should also be adhered to.
- Keep same breed of chicks in under one shed.
- Follow the all-in-all-out method. Focus on cleanliness of sheds and utensils. Entry of outsiders should be prohibited. Do not allow dogs, rats, squirrels, native poultry, etc., in to the shed.
- Destroy the dead chicks, burn the empty bottle of the vaccine, periodically spray the disinfectant (Viraclean) and follow the vaccination rules.
Common types of jobs in poultry industry
You can start careers such as farm managers, sales managers, input managers, etc. They can opt for skill development conducted by various institutions in the country for eligibility for different types of jobs in poultry industry.
Universities that conducting training for Murgi farm or Poultry farm business
- Anand Agricultural University Anand, Gujarat
- Assam Agricultural University Khanpara
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute/Director Central Bird Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh Research Institute
- J. case-ending showing possession or relation. Agricultural University Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
- Karnataka Veterinary and Animal Husbandry University Bangalore and Bidar
- Kerala Agricultural University Manuthi
- Maharashtra University of Animal and Fisheries Sciences Nagpur, Akola, Mumbai and Parbhani
- Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Bhubaneswar
- Shri Venkateswara Veterinary & Fisheries Tirupati and University of Hyderabad
- Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences Chennai and Namakhal University
- U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Veterinary Sciences Mathura University & Cow Research Ritual
- Rajiv Gandhi Veterinary & Veterinary Sciences Puducherry College
Some of the institutes conducting skill development training programmes. These are as follows:-
- Central Poultry Development Organisation (CPDO), Mumbai, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh
- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi
- Central Bird Research Institute (CARI), Izatnagar-243122, U.P.
- Poultry Diagnostic Research Centre (PDRC), Pune
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar-243122, U.P.
- National Institute of Open Schools
- Krishkant Handique State Open University
The above list is indicative only. Interested candidates can enquire about the institutes of their choice about various courses of poultry science. B.B. Rao Poultry Institute of Management and Technology, Pune regularly conducts the following courses:-
- Basic Commercial Poultry Management Course
- Orientation/Orientation for existing farmers Guidance Courses
- Advanced Courses for Large Scale Poultry Farming
- Puffed Formulation & Feed Analysis Courses for Feed Manufacturers
- Egg Genesis Management Course for persons engaged in egg production
- Non-Technical/Non-Technical Incentive courses in poultry management for financial persons employment opportunities
Other occupations related to poultry business
Poultry is not just a business of chicken and eggs. Now, this business has become so advanced that young men and women can make their career in this form of broiler, processing plant manager, research, education, business, consultant, manager, advertiser, product technologist, feeding technologist, quality control manager, hatchery manager, poultry veterinary, agricultural engineer and geneticist.
There is no limit to income in the poultry business. Income in this field depends on your hard work.Your income depends on the proportion,how much your business is spreading. In the field of research and teaching, you can earn Rs. 40 to 50 thousand rupees per month. The private poultry farm earns from 20,000 to 75 thousand per month on the basis of experience and merit.
This growing demand for poultry products is expected to generate more than one crore jobs in various categories in the poultry industry. Employment opportunities in poultry science are a great opportunity for employment in poultry science. A person can opt for research, education, business, consultants, managers, breeders, advertisers, poultry house designers, production technologists, processing technologists, feeding technologists, technologists, poultry economists, etc.
We hope this above poultry farm business information will help you to set up your farm easily.However,if you have questions or any queries you can comment below.